“When you have speed, you have to put the pressure on the other team. That's what I try to do all the time.”
Jose Reyes
They put the pressure on. They start the rallies. One hit, an inch of room and.... off to the races! They put the heat on the other team. At the beginning and the end of the day they leave you talking. "Man, I did everything right, but how did he get loose." I was watching the Super Bowl replay the other night and I noticed that Bradshaw loosed up the defense of the Patriots, he kept them on their toes. This allowed for Manning to pick apart the defense. Reyes bluffs down the third base line trying to cause a balk all the time. Fire starters, give them an inch they will take a mile. They are the instigators. Spark a match and they will blaze into an inferno. Speed kills, always and forever. Check the gauge, they fly above speed limits, they fly by their own speed. They are the firestarters. The 1982 Cardinals were full of these guys. They only had two guys in double digits in homers, but seven guys with double digit stolen bases. You can make smores with their back draft. They start rallies with their legs, not their bats. Jose Reyes is the catalyst for the Mets. He doesn't even need a hit to start a rally, just his legs. They bring the heat with their legs, not their arms. In the fourth quarter they are the ones who are still galloping like they just started to warm up. You look at them and think, "Man, I can't even stand but yet he is running full tilt." They run with ease, with grace. They make you look slow when you are full throttle. Mach 4 isn't even close, try Mach 24. A Navy jet couldn't catch them, a linear jet is walking compared to them. Don't let them out of their boxes, they will make you pay. Barry Sanders was one of these guys. He would have 5 yards on 10 carries then boom.... 70 yards and the end zone is in sites. Speed can not be taught it is a gift, it is a blessing. Lift all the weights you want. Give me a bunch of guys under sized with speed and I will beat any team any day and week. I am the Firestarter, I am the instigator. Try catching me, try it. I will give you a mile head start, I could run across water, that is how fast I run. I dare you, I double dog dare you, catch me..... I will wait up, I promise.