I love it! I love the sport. How is it that you are outclassed all week and then, BAM! 12 to 1? Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. that is sports. The big turn, the swing of momentum. Down 10 with 2 quarters to go, but one dunk, one charging foul and the game swings. Isn't it like life? Can't sh*t hit the fan one day and then life is peaches the next? Life, who knows anything about it. Maybe one day things will be clearer but until then, just coast. 12-1, that's just it. A score, a number, 12-1. The Mets look like mutts all week, but then they explode. Why? Was the eating better the next day? Did the light hit at just the right moment? All I know is that we have the big W. Funny, things change. They come and go, but you wouldn't even know it. How is it that the Giants won four straight road games to beat the mighty, mighty Patriots? Things change, life...... changes. You know what, I will be there no matter how much the Mets may seem to stink for all 162. They are my life. Their ups are my ups, I hurt when they fail. I guess they tie into my life like anything else. 12-1, it's just numbers...... Or maybe a score. Whether you like it or not it is life sports. The drama, the angst. The child smiling at the ballpark is it. Bottom line, this is it. Life is 12-1. Everyone has that day. Copier down, fax not working. 12-1. We are so much like them, we just don't know it. They have an expression in baseball for bad days, "He is having a bad day at the office". Sound familiar?!?!?!?!?! They bleed the same blood we bleed. They are human. Watch, you can catch with that same wide eye look as when Mr. Smith hands you that 80 page report on Friday. Watch. 12-1, it's is only numbers.
1 comment:
My girlfriend is going to be very dissapointed when she sees that David Wright is gay...
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