"We didn't lose the game; we just ran out of time" Vince Lombardi
I have been watching sports for my whole 27 years of life, still I can not figure them out. How can a team that has not won a playoff game on the road, but up against one of the best teams and home teams win 2 games in their pad? How is it that the Mets lost 7 in a row then all of a sudden flick a switch and win 4 out of 6? They are so confusing, sports that is. Mojo, upset special, or 12-1 they are so, just, "what do you mean." Sports are a lot like life in the fact that you don't know what to expect. The old adage in baseball is that momentum is as good as your next day starter. Well, what if your next day starter stinks but you still win? Does that mean that Mojo has switched!?!? I just don't get them, sports that is. Sports are so confusing. The Giants. Coughlin was a dog, Eli a bum, and Tiki talked. Then all of a sudden, it is almost like they came together and vowed to stop walking through the motions but rather form a brotherhood and make sure everybody is on the same page. They are so confusing, sports that is. I tell everyone, when they bring up all these reality shows, sports are the best reality show. You never know what you are getting. Ask the Pistons if they thought they were gonna lose a game 6 at home, go ahead ask them. They are vulnerable, the athletes that is. I swear I do love the unexpected. It makes sports fun. They allow you to walk into a game with an innocent look, a child eating some cotton candy eye. We boo, but we never expected to, everybody always thinks their guys are gonna win. I love sports so much, were would I be without them?!?!?! I told my fiancee, we are moving to DC in a few months, if we can't get a satellite dish then we don't go there. I need my Mets and my Giants (of the New York Variety). They are so confusing, sports that is......
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